"On" の意味は何ですか。
1. The cup is on the table.
2. I am on the bus.
3. The house is on fire.
4. I am going to Tokyo on Monday.
5. The lecture is on quantum physics.
- 主語が目的語に応じる
- 目的語が主語を助ける
- 目的語が主語よりも力を持ちその関係が同等ではない
たとえば、The cup is on the table「カップはテーブルの上にあります。」という文の「on」は、カップがテーブルに応じる・言い換えるとテーブルがカップを助けているということを示しています。もし、突然にカップがあるテーブルを動かすと、カップは床に落ちてしまいます。もし、カップを動かしてもテーブルには何も起こりません。
I am on the bus「私はバスに乗っています。」の「on」の場合は、自分自身の動く方向を示しています。そしてその行先は完全にバス次第ということになります。自分はバスの行先をコントロールすることができず、どこに行くかはバスに任せることになります。
The house is on fire「家が火事です。」の文では、「火」に支配された家という極端な例になります。この文の目的語である「火」が主語である「家」を破壊していることになります。
I am going to Tokyo on Monday「私は月曜日に東京へ行きます。」の文では、東京への旅がその特別な日に現実になります。このように、日々の出来事は日ごとに現実化していきす。
最後のThe lecture is on quantum
結論をいうと、前置詞、この場合「on」は様々なケースによって意味が変わるといわれていますが、私はそうではないと考えます。今回紹介した5つの文で「on」は共通の潜んだ意味を持っています。 前置詞はいろいろな意味をあらわしますが、それは確立した意味がないということではなくて、抽象的ではあっても共通する考え方があります。前置詞の後ろに隠れている共通する考え方を理解することは、それらを有意義に使いやすくする思います。
Recently, some of my students have asked me about the definition
of the preposition of “on.” The meaning
of “on” is very difficult to understand because like all other prepositions,
they are used in a wide variety of ways.
Firstly, prepositions express the relationship between the
subject and object of a sentence.
Specifically, the preposition “on” indicates 3 things:
- the subject is dependent
on the object
- the object is supporting
the subject in some way
- the object is in a positon
of power over the subject so their relationship is not equal
For example, the sentence “the cup is on the table,” “on”
indicates that the cup is dependent on the table or in other words, the table
is supporting the cup. If we suddenly moved the table before moving the glass,
the glass would smash onto the floor. If
we moved the cup, nothing would happen to the table.
In the case of the sentence, “I am on the bus,” “on”
indicates that the direction of my movement and its destination are completely
dependent on the bus. I have no control
over where the bus is going, but rather the bus controls where I am going.
The sentence “the house is on fire” is an extreme example of
control and dominance because “the fire” which is the object of the sentence,
is destroying the subject of the sentence, which is the house.
For the sentence, “I am going to Tokyo on Monday,” my trip
to Tokyo becomes real on a particular day.
In this way the actuality of our life events become real and are
determined by the day.
For the final sentence, “the lecture is on quantum physics”
“indicates that the primary purpose of the lecture is the topic of quantum
physics in that it is the interest of the topic which causes people to gather
for the lecture. In other word, the
existence of the lecture is dependent upon the topic quantum physics. If you think about it, no one would attend a
lecture without knowing the topic in advance.
In conclusion, it is commonly believed that a proposition,
in this case “on,” has many meanings however, I believe this to be untrue. In the case of the 5 sentences I have given, “on”
has a common underlying meaning. A preposition
appears to have many meanings because they do not have a concrete definition
but rather have an abstract conceptual meaning. Understanding the conception meanings
behind prepositions will make it easier to use them meaningfully.