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sky Classroom

このブログは北九州市にある英会話教室“New World English”での会話やイベント内容の記録です。トピックスは日本と西洋文化の違いについて考えると同時に、海外旅行のための英語学習や北九州でのライフスタイルなど多岐にわたる内容となっています。

Sunday, November 13, 2016

2 0 1 6  N O V E M B E R  N E W S L E T T E R





近頃、多くのNew World Englishの生徒さんからヒアリング力をどのように上達させれば良いかという質問を受けます。英語リスニング力を高めるために毎日何か、自宅でひとりで練習できる方法やアクティビティを具体的に知りたいそうです。そこで、このブログで私が生徒さんにお勧めしている方法で、私自身が実際に日本語のリスニング力を上達させるために考え付いた方法を共有していきたいと思います。
この方法は二つの全く違った英語リスニングのエクササイズから成ります。共に同じように続けてやることに効果があります。最初のエクササイズをE.S.L. Listening Exercises と呼ぶことにし、もう一つをRealistic Listening Exercises と呼ぶことにします。
E.S.L. Listening Exercises とは、特に英語を第2言語として勉強する人々のために作られたリスニングエクササイズを言います。きっと、みなさんは様々なこのようなタイプのリスニングアクティビティを試したことがあると思います。多くは、ふたりの簡単な会話や専門分野の会話から成り、TOEICや他のテストのリスニングアクティビティとも似ています。このようなリスニングのエクササイズは、ほとんどのE.S.Lの教本や売っているいろんなリスニングCDなどで見つけることができます。さらに、英会話学習用のラジオやテレビの番組、特にNHKなどにもあります。

Realistic Listening Exercisesとは、英語を学習する方向けに作られたものではなくて、まさにネイティブの英語話者が聴いたり観たりする、例えば英語の映画やニュース、テレビ番組やドラマ、音楽やラジオ放送などです。独学方法として私が生徒さんにお勧めしているのが、E.S.L Listening Exercises Realistic Listening Exercisesの両方を組み合わせたものです。後で詳しく説明するように、この二つのエクササイズがお互いを完璧に補うからです。すなわち、Realistic Listening Exercises  E.S.L Listening Exercises の不利な点や足りない点をカバーして、逆に、E.S.L Listening Exercises Realistic Listening Exercisesの不利な点や足りない点をカバーするのです。

E.S.L. Listening Exercises長所

E.S.L Listening Exercises は英語を学習する特にビギナーの方々向けに、普通のネイティブよりもゆっくりとはっきりと話すようにつくられています。そのため、新しいフレーズや語彙、そしてそれらを会話文でどのように使うかなどが、ほとんどのE.S.L listening Exercisesはその英文が付いてくるので学習することができます。このように E.S.L Listening Exercises は英語理解力を手助けするだけでなく、自身の英語知識を築いていくことに特に役立ちます。そういう意味でとても役に立つものだと思います。

E.S.L Listening Exercises のスピーキングはゆっくりとはっきりとしており聴きやすいですが、結局のところこの話し方は「不自然」で、さらに「不自然に」ゆっくりとはっきりしているので、話し方やイントネーションがしばしば変に大げさで、英語ネイティブスピーカーが実際このような浮き沈みの激しい音程で話しているように思われがちです。例えば、
 “Hi John, What’s up? How are you?” 

それゆえ、多くのE.S.L Listening Exercises は学習する方々に特にスピードやイントネーション、雰囲気において、間違った「音の感覚」の印象を与えがちです。E.S.L. Listening Exercises  のもう一つの「不自然」な面は、必要以上に英語の口語的な言い回しやイディオムを使って、リスナーに「これが通常の英会話」つまり、「このように英語ネイティブスピーカーが実際話している」という印象を与えていることです。

どのように E.S.L Listening Exercises をすれば?
まず、普通の良く使われているE.S.L リスニング練習用の英会話テキストを見つけます。それぞれのチャプターにだいたい二つから三つ、そのチャプターに関するリスニングアクティビティがあると思います。

最後に、上級の学習者の方には、TEDのサイトで興味のあるスピーチをダウンロードすることを強くお勧めします。さらに、いくつかのTEDのスピーチには英文がついているものもあります。英文や理解力テスト・問題がついたE.S.L リスニングエクササイズを見つけることをお勧めします。


そうすることによって、新しい語彙やフレーズなどを学ぶことができ、文脈の中での使い方もきっちりと把握できます。おそらくこの会話を聴くこと、ができるだけではなく、付帯する英文から学習をして、そして会話をもう一度聴くことができる、という点がE.S.L リスニングアクティビティの最も良い面であるかと思います。



Realistic Listening Exercises



Realistic Listening Exercises は「自然な英語」会話であるために、必然的に英語を学習する方はその数多く並べられた見慣れない慣用的な語彙やフレーズを理解することだけでなく、会話のスピードについていかなければならないことに苦しみます。
そして、ご自身の能力以上の Realistic Listening Exercises に時間を費やしていくことを無駄に感じるのです。
Realistic Listening Exercises を聴くことの長所を忘れないでいただきたいと思います。

どのように Realistic Listening Exercises をすれば?

Realistic Listening Exercises の教材はとても簡単にしかも安く、時には無料で手に入れることができます。インターネットや特にYou Tubeからニュースやドキュメンタリー・映画などの様々な英語テレビ番組、ラジオ番組や音楽などをダウンロードしたり、録画することが可能です。上に示した全てのリスニング教材の中から、どれか一日に10分でも毎日続けて聴くことをお勧めします。

たとえば、私はNHKのサイトから歌舞伎俳優の坂東玉三郎さんのインタビューをダウンロードしています。はじめの2、3回聴いた時には、インタビューで何が語られているのか理解できませんでした。 しかし、そのインタビューを1週間、20回・30回と繰り返し聴いていくうちに、次第に単語やフレーズはもちろん、新しい単語にも気が付いて辞書で調べていくようになりました。結果、インタビューのおよそ70パーセントは理解できるようになりました。いったんその段階まで到達したら終了して、また何か新しいものをダウンロードしたり録画して、同じプロセスを繰り返していきます。“Realistic English,”を聴くときに大切なことは、理解できないときにイライラしてしまうのではなく、むしろ英語を聴くことを楽しみ、忍耐強く、このやり方の前向きな効果が実現することを忘れずに繰り返し練習することが肝心です。

E.S.L. Listening Exercises
  Realistic Listening Exercises を組み合わせる方法は自分ひとりで学習する際にリスニング力を全体的にうまく上達させる近道となります。両方のエクササイズ共に、可能な限り毎日同じように練習した方が良いです。

E.S.L. Listening Exercises はたくさんの新しいフレーズや単語が学べるように、特にそれらがどのように文の中で使われているかが分かるように、十分にゆっくりなスピードで英語を聴きとることが出来、Realistic Listening Exercises は進めていくうちに「英語の音の感覚」を発達させてくれる、「自然なネイティブの英語」に触れる学習です。







Recently, many of my students at NEW WORLD ENGLISH have asked me about the best way to improve their English listening ability.  Specifically, they want to know if there are any activities or practice methods they can do alone at home and on a daily basis which will enhance their English listening ability.  So, in this blog, I will share with you the method which I have recommended to my students, and which is in fact, a method I came up with in order to improve my Japanese listening ability.

This method consists of 2 very different English listening exercises, both of which should be done equally and on a regular basis.  The first exercise I will call: E.S.L. Listening Exercises and the second I will call: Realistic Listening Exercises.

By E.S.L. Listening Exercises I mean, listening exercises which were specifically designed for people studying English as a second language.  I am sure you have tried many of these types of listening activities; usually they consist of 2 people having a causal or professional conversation similar to the listening activities in the TOEIC or other such tests.  These listening exercises can be found in almost all E.S.L study text books or there are a wide variety listening practice C.D.s on the market.  Moreover, such listening practice activities can sometimes be found on English study radio and T.V. programs especially on N.H.K.      

By Realistic Listening Exercises I mean, listening to English which is not designed for English learners but rather listening to and watching exactly what native English speakers listen to and watch for example, English movies, news, T.V. programs and dramas, music and radio broadcasts. 

The self-study method I have been recommending to my students combines doing both E.S.L Listening Exercises and Realistic Listening Exercises because, as I will explain later, these 2 types of exercises complement each other perfectly, namely, the Realistic Listening Exercises make up for the disadvantages and limitations of the E.S.L Listening Exercises and conversely, the E.S.L Listening Exercises make up for the disadvantages and limitations of the Realistic Listening Exercises.

E.S.L. Listening Exercises
Because E.S.L Listening Activities are designed for people who are studying English, especially beginners, the speaking speed is slower and clearer than how most native English speakers speak.  Therefore, it is possible to learn new phrases and vocabulary words and how learn use them in a conversational context especially since most ESL Listening Exercises come equipped with a transcript.  Thus, E.S.L Listening Exercises can not only help your English comprehension ability, but they especially can help you build your English knowledge.  In this way, they are very useful.

Although the speaking manner of E.S.L Listening Exercises is slow and clear and thus accessible, ultimately, this kind of speaking manner is “unnatural.”  Moreover, in addition to being “unnaturally” slow and clear, the speaking manner and intonation are often exaggerated, or overly excited, giving the impression that real native English speakers speak with a wavering pitch; for example:

                                    “Hi JohnWhat’s up? How are you?” 

Therefore, most E.S.L Listening Activities give English learners a false impression of “the sound sense” of English, especially in terms of its speed, intonation and mood.   

The other “unnatural” aspect to E.S.L Listening Exercises is that they are intentionally overloaded with English colloquialisms and idioms in order to give the listener the impression that “it is natural everyday English,” namely, “it is how real native English speakers speak.” 

How to do E.S.L Listening Exercises

I recommend doing these exercises regularly.  The more frequently you practice the sooner you will improve.  Firstly, you can find E.S.L Listening Exercises in most regular English conversation text books.  Each chapter may have about 2 or 3 listening activities related to the topic of the chapter.  English conversation text books are excellent because they come with a C.D. of listening activities as well as a transcript and comprehension test questions for each listening activity.  You can also find similar listening activities in the TOEIC or TOEFL or other such kinds of test materials.  Also, you can find a wide variety of listening activities on the Internet.  Finally, for advanced English learners, I strongly recommend going to the TED website and downloading speeches which you find interesting.  Moreover, some of the TED speeches come with a transcript.

It is best to find E.S.L Listening Exercises which come with a transcript and comprehension questions test questions.  Answering comprehension questions after each activity will give you the opportunity to evaluate your listening ability and to especially judge whether you have improved over time.  Furthermore, I think that it is especially important to study the transcript of each listening activity after completing them.  By doing so, you will be able to learn new vocabulary words and phrases and especially see exactly how they are used in the context.  This is perhaps the most advantageous aspect of E.S.L. Listening Exercises, not only can you listen to a conversation but you can study it through the transcript and then afterward listen to the conversation again.  I strongly recommend this cyclical method of listening to the activity and then reading its transcript and then listening to the activity again, constantly repeating this cycle until you can understand the listening activity completely because you have read the transcript many times and because you have heard the listening activity many times over.  In other words, try to master a listening activity before you go on to the next one, there is no need to rush. 

By mastering it I mean, you can understand the listening activity every time you listen to it, you know all of the vocabulary words and phrases in the activity and you have a sense of how they are used in context such that it is possible for you to use those same vocabulary words and phrases the next time you have an conversation in English. 

To conclude, E.S.L Listening Exercises not only serve the function of improving your listening ability but perhaps more so, they will help you increase your knowledge of English vocabulary words and phrases.

Realistic Listening Exercises

I have found that students who love the English language and who thus regularly listen to “natural English” by watching English movies, television or by listening to English music or radio, speak English beautifully and thus have an overall greater ability to communicate with native English speakers with fluency, clear articulation and comfort.  By having immersed themselves into the world of “natural native English,” through time they have developed an intuition of the “sound sense” of English, namely of its pronunciation, intonation, rhythm and overall speaking manner.  Having an intuition of “the sound sense” of a language is just as important as knowing a language’s grammatical structures and vocabulary as mere words or phrases alone cannot express a speaker’s emotion, attitude, intention and thus true meaning. 


Because Realistic Listening Exercises contain “natural English” conversations, inevitably, English students will struggle to follow the speed of the conversations as well as understand the vast array of unfamiliar idiomatic vocabulary words and phrases.  Thus, after having watched an English movie or television program or listening to English radio or music, an English student may feel discouraged or frustrated with their inability to comprehend English and therefore feel that it is a waste of time to engage in Realistic Listening Exercises.  However, English students and even beginner English students should always keep in mind the positive advantage of regularly listening to Realistic Listening Exercises.  They should always remember that even if they cannot understand what is being said, by regularly exposing themselves to the sound of English, their ears will gradually become attuned to the “sound sense” of English and thus over time, they will naturally improve their pronunciation and intonation ability.  Moreover, even though students will comprehend very little or nothing at all when first beginning the habit of listening to natural English, gradually through time, they may be able to understand some words, phrases, sentences or even the whole narrative, thus improving their comprehension ability. 

How is this possible?  I will write about this at a later time but only I will say that the best way to learn anything is to exposure yourself directly to it and to allow yourself to unconsciously and naturally absorb the subject matter, namely in this case, to allow English to enter into your mind.  

How to do Realistic Listening Exercises

Getting material for Realistic Listening Exercises is very easy and is either cheap or free.  It is possible to download and record a wide variety of English T.V. programs, news, documentaries, movies or radio programs and music from the Internet and specifically YouTube.  I recommend listening to all of the above types of listening materials and on a daily basis, even if it just for 10 minutes a day.  Furthermore, I recommend 2 methods: one, listening to something new every day and two, listening to something repeatedly and regularly you have recorded, for example, a short news report or an interview of someone you find interesting. By listening to or watching the same recording many times over, gradually it will become familiar to you.  For example, I downloaded and recorded from the Internet an N.H.K interview with Bando Tamasaburo a Kabuki actor.  When I listened to it for the first few times, I could not understand what he was saying in the interview.  However, after having listened to the interview over 20 to 30 times over a 1 week period, gradually I was able to understand words and phrases as well as pick out new words and look them up in the dictionary.  Ultimately, I was able to understand about 70 percent of the interview.  Once I reached this stage, I then stopped listening to it and downloaded and recorded something different and repeated the same process.

When listening to “Realistic English,” it is important to not become frustrated when you cannot understand but rather to just enjoy listening to English and to remember that the positive effects of this method will come to fruition though repeated practice, perseverance and patience.  


The method of combining E.S.L. Listening Exercises and Realistic Listening Exercises is a complete or holistic approach to improving your listening ability when studying alone.  Both exercises are equally necessary and should be practiced regularly or even daily if possible.  Where E.S.L. Listening Exercises give you the opportunity to listen to English at a slow enough speed so that you can learn many new phrases and vocabulary words and especially discover how they are used in context, Realistic Listening Exercises expose you to “natural native English” so that over time you can develop the “sound sense of English.” However, the most essential aspect to improving your listening ability or to improving anything for that matter, is your propensity for patience and self-discipline.  There are many people who attempt to learn something but who soon give up as they cannot maintain the level of patience and drive required to master something.  In other words, in the beginning, they are excited and persistent, but soon give up. In my experience, students who learn English the quickest are not necessarily those who have the best study books, or who attend English schools which profess to utilize “the best method” for learning English, nor students who have hundreds of English text books on their book shelf, but rather students who are patient and self-disciplined are the most successful.  I will discuss the importance of patience and self-discipline in a future blog entry, but I will only give you this one hint: patience and self-discipline is easily maintained when one is enjoying oneself. 

2 0 1 6  O C T O B E R  N E W S L E T T E R
Hello students and friends!!!  New World English初めての月に一回のニュースレターとなります。これから毎月、短いニュースレターを発行して生徒のみなさんにNew World Englishの新しいクラスやイベントなどについてご案内していきたいと思います。また、みなさんの英語上達へのヒントや生徒さんからの鋭い英語の質問をシェアしたり、ここNew World Englishで行われた面白い会話を中継したりもしていきたいと思います。

2 0 1 6  I N T E R V I E W  N I G H T

まず、ここNew World English2016年3月13日に行われたインタビューナイトに参加していただいたみなさまにお礼を申し上げます。この夜、私は30人の観客のみなさんの前でおふたりの方にそれぞれの職業についてインタビューをしました。最初に、磯田章子さんに「北九州市の歴史・現在・そして未来」と題してインタビューを受けていただきました。彼女は、日本中を文化や歴史について英語で案内をするツアーガイドのお仕事をされています。さらに磯田さんは、世界中から北九州市の有名な環境保護プロジェクトを視察に来られる環境の専門家に対しても案内をされています。インタビューナイトでは、磯田さんは北九州市がどのように過剰に工業化して汚染された街から世界的にも知られる最先端の環境保護プロジェクトや技術をもつ街に生まれ変わったのかをお話してくださいました。磯田さんのスペシャルゲストは北九州市の職員である池田隆史さんでした。彼は北九州市の国際的に優れたエコテクノロジープロジェクトについての近況についてお話くださいました。


T E S T  N I G H T

2016年7月1日には、3人のNew World Englishの生徒さんが、教室のステージの上、15人の観客の方の前で
英語のスピーキングテストをうけました。第一ステージで、テストを受ける方はネイティブスピーカーに自己紹介をし、好きな事や趣味、仕事上や故郷での経験などを雑談していただきました。第二ステージでは、レストランで注文をするというシチュエーションでテストを受ける方にロールプレイをしていただきました。第三ステージは発音のテストで、テストを受ける方にはテキストから単語を読み上げていただきました。最後に、全てを終えたテストを受ける方には観客の前のステージの上に座っていただき、質問を受けていただきました。このテストナイトで用いた会話・単語はNew World Englishのビギナーレベルのテキスト本、The Practical Basics of English Conversationに基づいています。テストを受けていただいた、杉山由香里さん・上園慶太郎さん・生水ひとみさんのご参加にお礼を申し上げます。


T H A N K  Y O U !




This is the first New World English monthly newsletter.  Every month, I will write a short newsletter informing students about new classes as well as announce up and coming events at New World English. I will also provide tips on how to improve your English, share with you insightful English questions which students have asked me or relay interesting conversations which have taken place here are at New World

Firstly, I would like to thank the participants and audience members of Interview Night which took place on March 13, 2016 here at New World English.  On that night, I interviewed two students concerning their professions before an audience of 30 people.  The interviewee of the first Interview entitled: The History, Present and Future of Kitakyushu City, was Isoda Akiko-san. She is a professional tour guide who gives tours in English all around Japan on the topics of Japanese culture and history.  Furthermore, Isoda-san has given tours to environmental specialists from around the world who come to Kitakyushu to study its world famous ecological projects.  For interview night, Ms. Isoda spoke about how Kitakyushu has transformed itself from being a highly industrialized and polluted city to then becoming a city world renowned for its cutting edge ecological projects and technology.  Isoda-san’s special guest was Takashi Ikeda who is a Kitakyushu city officer.  He provided us with some recent information concerning Kitakyushu city’s internationally distinguished Eco-technology projects.

The interviewee of the second interview entitled: Children with Leukemia, was Dr. Yuko Honda.  She is a pediatrician and hematologist who specializes in childhood Leukemia and cancer.  In her interview, she provided us with a medical and human account of her experiences of treating children with cancer and especially, her experiences of caring for dying children and how this experience has defined her understanding of life and death. Dr. Honda’s special guest was Dr. Mari Harada who is s a pediatrician. Dr. Harada provided us with some insight into the challenges of communicating with child patients.

I would like to sincerely thank Akiko Isoda, Dr. Yuko Honda, Dr. Mari Harada and Takashi Ikeda for their hard work and participation that night; we learned many things from them.  I would also like to thank Randy Parent, who is the owner of Parent Juku in Kunisaki City, for speaking at Interview Night.

On July 1, 2016, we had Test Night where 3 New World English students took an English speaking test on the classroom stage before an audience of 15 people.  For the first stage of the test, the testees had to introduce themselves to a native English speaker and converse with them about things they like, their hobbies, experiences they have had as well as talk about their job and hometown.  For the second stage of the test, the testees performed a role play where they had to order food in a restaurant.  The third stage consisted of a pronunciation test where the testees had to read all of the vocabulary words from the text book.  Finally, once all of the stages were complete, the testees sat on the stage before the audience and took questions.  The conversations and vocabulary words of this Test Night were based on the The Practical Basics of English Conversation, which is the beginner level book at New World English.  I would like to thank the testees, Yukari Sugiyama, Keitaro Kamizono and Hitomi Shousui for their participation.

Recently, I have come to realize the importance of having my students engage in role plays especially in front of an audience.  Of course, such a task is nerve wracking and intimidating for students however, it is important for students to develop the ability to speak English under pressure, namely, to stand up and speak, without the aid of a dictionary or text book seeing that this is exactly what they will have to do when speaking in the real world.  Unfortunately, English lessons are typically relegated to sitting down at a desk before an open text book and dictionary. As comfortable as this may be, it is completely impractical in the real world of English speaking.  So for this reason, I have found it necessary to have my student practice speaking under pressure especially through role plays and public speaking. 

I would like to end this newsletter by heartfully thanking all of my students for taking my lessons.  I have known some of you for almost 10 years and some of you I have just met.  I am always looking for ways to improve my English school and teaching ability, so I am always open to your suggestions and feedback.
Thank again,


In English, we can use the word before when speaking about time or space.  For example, concerning time:

“I had dinner before the English lesson.”

However, “before” can also be used when speaking about space.  In this case, “before” means “in front of.”  Here are 2 examples from the above text.

“…before an audience of 30 people.”
On that night, I interviewed two students concerning their professions before an audience of 30 people.

“…the testees sat on the stage before the audience…”
Finally, once all of the stages were complete, the testees sat on the stage before the audience and took questions.
