sky Classroom

sky Classroom

このブログは北九州市にある英会話教室“New World English”での会話やイベント内容の記録です。トピックスは日本と西洋文化の違いについて考えると同時に、海外旅行のための英語学習や北九州でのライフスタイルなど多岐にわたる内容となっています。

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

New World Englishのブログにようこそ。


New World Englishは北九州市、馬借(ばしゃく)のトーマスタワーマンションの最上階(景色がとても良いです)にある英会話スクールです。色々な方々が、英語を学習し、出会っていただける場となっています。






また、New World Englishでは時に、エキスパートなゲストを迎えてその分野についてのトピックを英語でプレゼンテーションしていただくこともあります。例えば、この秋に私たちが開くインタビューナイトでは私トーマスが、茶道家でありまた、まえ田の社長でもある前田さんにインタビューをします。



このブログの筆者はニューワールドイングリッシュの創設者であり講師でもあるThomas Mallinosです。



l  冠詞の“a”“the”はいつ使うのですか?

l  毎日の独りでできる基礎的なスピーキングやリスニング力を上達させる練習は何が良いですか?

l  動詞のhaveは英語では頻繁に使われますが、いつ使ったら良いのかどう分かるのですか?どのような意味ですか?意味はひとつですか、それともたくさんありますか?

l  自分の子供が英語が流暢に話せるように育てたいのですが、実現するには何ができますか?

l  いつも海外を旅行するときに英語を話そうとすると、固まってしまいます。自信をもって話せるように、英語がうまく上達するためにできることはありますか?



Thomas Mallinos


 Example 1:  “There is a wide variety of people who meet and study English here.”

Example 2:  “…we also have a wide variety of English events.”

a wide variety of S.T.


1.    Suzy has a wide variety of friends from all around the world.  She has friends from Europe, Asia, and South American.


2.    The buffet serves a wide variety of food, from Pizza and pasta to sushi.


3.    A wide variety of products are sold on Rakuten, from books and DVDs to clothing.


E N G L I S H  V E R S I O N
Welcome to the New World English blog. 

New World English is an English conversation school located in Kitakyushu, Japan on the scenic top floor of the Thomas Tower mansion in Bashaku, Kokura.  There is a wide variety of people who meet and study English here. We not only offer group lessons and specialized private lessons but we also have a wide variety of English events where students can meet other in order to learn from each other’s abilities and experiences. For example, we regularly hold Conversation Night where students can practice speaking English with other students of the same level. 

In July, we will hold Conversation Night for Beginners where we will practice the skill of introducing ourselves and how to make friends with people from around the world. For this month, June, the topic of Advanced Conversation Night is Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.  The topics of Conversation Night are various, sometimes they are fun and light, for example we sometimes talk about our favorite movies, music and sports or sometimes they are challenging as we discuss topics concerning Japanese and western culture, history, politics, art and philosophy. 

In addition to Conversation Night, we also hold Speech Night every Autumn where New World English students make speeches in English before an audience.  The theme for the 2014 Speech Night was “My Journey Learning English.” Sometimes at New World English, we invite expert guests to make a presentation in English on a topic concerning their field of expertise.  

For example, this Autumn we will hold Interview Night where Thomas will interview Maeda Tsuyoshi who is an expert Japanese Tea ceremony teacher and the president of Maeda Company.  He will discuss the tea ceremony as well as perform the tea ceremony for our audience. The basic purpose of this blog is to create a journal of the various interesting conversations and events that have arisen from the New World English classroom and to share them publically with anyone in Japan who is interested in the world of English conversation and would thus like to communicate with us through this blog. 

The primary writer of this blog is Thomas Mallinos who is the founder and teacher of New World English. 

In addition, New World English students as well as other teachers and readers of this blog, will write entries. The topics that will appear in this blog will be as various, interesting, fun and reflective as the conversations that regularly occur at New World English.  In addition, this blog will provide advice to English Learners about how to improve their English as well as answer English questions from New World English students and blog readers, for example:

l  “When do I use the article “a” or the article “the?”

l   “What are good practice exercises I can do alone on a daily basis to improve my speaking and listening ability?”

l   “The verb have is used so often in English, how do I know when to use it?  What does it mean?  Does it have one meaning or many?

l   “I want my children to grow up to be fluent in English, what can I do to make this happen?”

l   “Every time I travel abroad and try to speak English, I freeze up.  Is there anything I can do develop my command of English so that I can speak confidently?”

Furthermore, because this is the blog of an English school, at the bottom of most blog entries, there will be one or two short “Study Points” based on a sentence, phrase or vocabulary word, taken directly from the blog entry (the two Study Points below this blog are an example).   

Thank you very much for reading this first entry.  If you have any questions, comments or thoughts please feel free to post them onto this blog or email me directly.  

Thomas Mallinos



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