sky Classroom

sky Classroom

このブログは北九州市にある英会話教室“New World English”での会話やイベント内容の記録です。トピックスは日本と西洋文化の違いについて考えると同時に、海外旅行のための英語学習や北九州でのライフスタイルなど多岐にわたる内容となっています。

Monday, January 9, 2017

2 0 1 6  D E C E M B E R  N E W S L E T T E R







ソロスピーキングの方法は、英語でひとりごとを言い、まるで誰かと話しをしているかのように自分自身と英語で会話をすることです。最初、この方法はちょっと変な感じがします(実際、他の人がいる場所ですることはお勧めできないかもしれません。) しかし、ひとりごとを言うことは、黙ってテキストの語彙単語やフレーズを読むよりも、断然、実際に行う練習の方式に当てはまります。

I would like to purchase a one way train ticket to Rome, departing on May 1st in the morning.



たとえばよくあるケースとして、英語を勉強している人であればよく知っている“excuse me, where is the Hilton Hotel”“I’ll have 2 coffees with 2 sugar and 2 cream,”のようなフレーズを海外に行って実際のシチュエーションで使おうとして、言うことができずにとてもがっかりすることがあります。話そうとする瞬間、緊張して、少しパニックになったりして、たとえば口ごもったり、すらすらと話せなくなったり、はっきりと話せなくなり、最悪は突然何を言いたかったのか完全に忘れてしまったりすることもあります。(私自身が日本語を話そうとする時に何度か経験があります。)こういった経験がネイティブと話す自信を失わせ、英語を話すことについての不安感をあおり、どんどんと英語を話そうという試みを喪失させてしまうのです。

英会話スクールでスピーキングの練習をすることに加えて、その練習を最大化してくれる方法としてのソロスピーキング法は スピーキング力の発達に役立つので、最終的に自信をつけていくことができると強く思います。



もし、英語のテキストから対話文を選んだ場合は、必ずその対話文を聴けるようなCDかオーディオファイルがあることを確認します。私のレッスンでは、みなさんは自宅で正しい発音やイントネーションが学習できるようにそれぞれのスマートホンなどで私が読むのを録音されています。暗記したり練習する時は、必ずその対話文を読んだり聞いたりします。読むことは、単語に注意が行くので対話文を暗記するのに役立ちます。一方、聴くことは、発音やイントネーションを正していくのに役立ちます。たとえば、自己紹介の文や旅行英会話などの実際に使いそうなシチュエーションの文を選ぶことが特に大切です。簡単には、料理の注文の仕方や道の尋ね方などです。 次に海外の人にどのように自分の街を紹介するかの文章と、どのように彼らに聞くのかの文章があります。この文は海外の方が北九州についてあなたに質問をすることから始まります。

What’s Kitakyushu like?

Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city and it has a rich history, so what is Toronto like?


Kitakyushu is a medium sized city...Kitakyushu is a medium sized city...Kitakyushu is a medium sized city


Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city and it has a rich history
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city and it has a rich history
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city and it has a rich history, so what is Toronto like?




Last week, I asked many of my students if they regularly review at home what they learned during my lesson.  Expectedly, most of my students said “yes.”  Furthermore, I then asked them about how they review the lesson, namely, what exactly are they doing when in the process of reviewing the lesson material.  Almost all students gave me the same detailed description of how they review; they sit down and read over the lesson text many times in order to memorize the vocabulary words and phrases of the lesson.  This common method of English study, namely, of reading over and reviewing vocabulary words and phrases, has only one positive effect, this method will enable you to simply memorize the lesson material, in other words, even if you have perfectly memorized the vocabulary words and phrases this does not mean that you will be able to use these same vocabulary words and phrases fluently in a conversation.

For example, imagine you were to read an instructional golf book on how to perfect your golf swing and furthermore, you had memorized every painstaking technical point of the book, namely, how to hold the golf club, how to position and move your body when swinging.  Would the mere act of memorizing all of the technical aspects of the book then enable you to go to the golf course and win golf games with your newly perfected swing?  Of course not, because the mere act of memorizing something is fundamentally different from the act of performing something.  To perfect your golf swing, it is necessary to actually engage in the physical and mental act of repeatedly practicing your golf swing seeing that golf is a performative activity.

This same analogy applies to studying a language, in this case, English. The mere act of memorizing English words and sentences is fundamentally different from the act of using them in a conversation. This is because English communication is a performative activity and therefore requires active performative practice. But the question now is: how does one performatively practice English communication especially English speaking?

Of course, staying in an English speaking country for a significant period of time is the best way to improve your English communication ability seeing that you will have the opportunity to speak every day. However, most people cannot do this, so the more practical questions is: what is a good way to performatively practice English speaking while living in Japan?

Enrolling in an English school in Japan is the next best solution to studying English abroad.  However, most people who do so only take a class once a week and thus practice speaking for only 1 hour a week.  So the next question is: is there a way to practice speaking English every day in addition to studying at an English school?  The answer is “yes.” Although the method which I am going to recommend to you is not perfect, it is a form of performative practice which will improve your speaking ability if it is done consistently.  I call this method: “Solo-Speaking.”

The method of Solo-Speaking involves speaking to yourself, or having conversations with yourself in English as if you were really speaking to someone.  At first this method may seem strange (in fact I might not recommend doing this method in public places) however, speaking to yourself is a much more genuine form of performative practice than silently reading a text book and memorizing vocabulary words and phrases. 
This is because memorizing a sentence and knowing its’ meaning is fundamentally different from being able to utter that sentence in real time with clarity, fluency, poise and confidence.  For example, imagine I showed you the following sentence in a book:

“I would like to purchase a one way train ticket to Rome, departing on May 1st in the morning.”

You probably would be able to understand its’ meaning and furthermore, you probably would be able to memorize it upon seeing it.  However, if you were asked to go to an English speaking travel agency and buy a train ticket to Rome by using the above sentence, you might find it very difficult if you are not already fluent in English. 

In many cases, English students who have studied familiar phrases such as “excuse me, where is the Hilton Hotel” or “I’ll have 2 coffees with 2 sugar and 2 cream,” are greatly disappointed when they go abroad and try to actually say them in a real situation and are unable to.  In the moment of speaking, they become nervous and perhaps slightly panic, for example, they stutter or cannot speak fluently nor clearly or even worse, suddenly they completely forget what they wanted to say (I have had this experience many times when speaking Japanese).  This type of experience erodes ones confidence to speak to native speakers and thus deepens their anxiety about speaking English, and ultimately, discourages them from future attempts at speaking English. I believe that the method of Solo-Speaking, as a way to further maximize your speaking practice, in addition to practicing speaking at an English school, can contribute to developing your speaking ability and thus ultimately enhance your confidence.  I will now precisely explain the method of Solo-Speaking and how it can enhance your speaking ability.

POINT ONE:  Solo-Speaking entails having a dialogue or conversation with yourself in English and should be as realistic as possible, for example, you should speak with the same natural voice volume and tone as you would in a real conversation.

POINT TWO: Especially for beginners, select a conversation dialogue you want to memorize and practice. You can use a dialogue from an English text book, or for my students, I strongly recommend using the conversation dialogues we are practicing during our lesson.  If you select a dialogue from an English text book, make sure that there is an accompanying CD or audio file so that you can listen to the dialogue.  In my lessons, my students use their Smart Phones to record me reading the lesson language so that they can study the proper pronunciation and intonation at home.  Therefore, when memorizing and practicing a dialogue, make sure to read and listen to the dialogue.  Reading will help you memorize the dialogue because you will recognize the words whereas listening to the dialogue will teach you the correct pronunciation and intonation. 

It is especially important to select a dialogue which you are likely to use in a real situation, for example, a dialogue on introducing yourself or dialogues related to English for travelling, for instance, how to order food or how to ask for directions.  Here is a dialogue on how to introduce your city to a foreign person and how to ask them about theirs.  This dialogue begins with a foreign person asking you about Kitakyushu:

What’s Kitakyushu like?

Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city and it has a rich history, so what is Toronto like?

POINT THREE:  Read the dialogue out loud many times until you can memorize it and say it fluently in real time without reading it.  In the beginning you may find it difficult to say it fluently without stopping so it is best to memorize the dialogue gradually step by step, for example, repeatedly say to yourself:

Kitakyushu is a medium sized city.
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city.
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city.
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city.

Once you have memorized this and can say it fluently and effortlessly, then repeatedly say to yourself:

Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city and it has a rich history
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city and it has a rich history
Kitakyushu is a medium sized city, it is a scenic city and it has a rich history, so what is Toronto like?

Gradually, add the next section of the dialogue only after you can say the previous section fluently and effortlessly.  Proceed in the same manner until you have memorized the entire dialogue with the same effortlessness and fluency you experience when singing a song.  When you sing a song you never think about the lyrics, the song just flows from your mouth fluently like a stream of water.

It is very important to memorize the entire dialogue, namely not only what you will say but also your interlocutor’s part as well.  By memorizing your interlocutor’s lines in the dialogue, your ear will be better able to catch what they say to you in a real situation. 
So, Solo-Speaking not only trains your speaking ability but also your listening ability as well.

Lastly, it is best to memorize and practice dialogues at your own pace.  If you can only learn one line per day, this is sufficient, especially if you consistently practice every day.  Once again, it is essential that you repeatedly practice the dialogues until they are memorized and you can say them effortlessly and fluently. Once you have finished one dialogue, go on to the next, but never stop practicing the old ones, in other words, repeatedly practice old dialogues and new ones.

The method of Solo-Speaking cannot provide you with the experience of the spontaneity and freedom that a “real conversation” demands.  Solo-Speaking is rather a method which can supplement realistic conversation practice which is done at an English school.  Furthermore, it is an excellent “homework method” whereby you can practice speaking everyday in order to review and prepare for your lessons.  

In some ways, Solo-Speaking is similar to a Budoka’s Kata practice. They practice Kata with the intention of gradually developing their form and fluidity so that they can move spontaneously without thinking.  In other words, through repeated practice or Keiko, their body naturally memorizes the physical movements and mindset of the Kata.  When Budoka encounter real danger or compete in a tournament, they can respond to an attack in real time without thinking or hesitation.  Please think of Solo-Speaking in this way.  By repeatedly practicing many dialogues alone, when the time arises to speak in a real conversation, you will be able to say the sentences you know fluently and especially with confidence because you have already said them thousands of times.  They have become a part of you.  Effortlessness and Confidence are achieved only through practice. 

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